The Hams

The Hams
2nd B-day

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Catching Up

Checking things out with the Leopards
One Corn Dog...

Feeds three

Can't beat it!

How time flies, and how quickly things change!  I've obviously neglected the blog for quite a while... but something got into me tonight and I decided to give it an update.  I guess because so much has changed- I went back to work for Douglas County Schools last year as a social worker in a middle school, a huge culture shock from elementary!  I absolutely love it though and am excited to be going full time this year as well as coaching the 7th-8th grade Wrestling Team (no, that's not a typo, if anyone wants to help who actually knows how to coach I'm taking volunteers!).  The girls have been going to daycare (school) for a year now and love it.  They are thriving socially and educationally.

We have entered the "Terrific/Terrible Threes", here are the pros and cons:

  • We are fully potty trained
  • We are totally hilarious and full of attitude
  • We have some great dance moves
  • We travel MUCH lighter
  • No more trying to carry three at once 
  • We can play together and keep ourselves entertained for periods of time
  • We have developed very strong, independent, individual personalities
  • We haven't figured out how to escape our cribs yet!
  • Tantrums, tantrums tantrums
  • We have developed very strong, STUBBORN personalities
  • We love to antagonize one another/need constant parent mediation
  • We are full of attitude 
  • We have lots of bruises as a result of our great dance moves
  • We are much more demanding travelers
  • We are very angry we haven't figured out how to escape our cribs yet and are VERY vocal about it
  • Have we mentioned TANTRUMS??
On another note, the newest most shocking news is the surprising November arrival of Ham girl number three FOUR (oops)!  The girls are sooooo excited and talk to mommy's belly daily letting their new sissy in on all the plans they have for her.  Names the girls have picked out include: Nora, Emma, Addie, Flower, Piper, Tyty, Girl, and Bobo.  It's still up for debate at this point.  ;)


  1. I love your family!

  2. You mean Ham girl number FOUR, right?!? hahaha

    1. Ooops, guess I still haven't come to terms! ;)

  3. Yeah... I love me some Ham's news! And my vote is for Bobo Ham :)
