The Hams

The Hams
2nd B-day

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our first big boo boo

So right after I finished the video below of the girls in the flower pot the neighbors came out with their four month old and we were chatting. It was at that moment Addie took a header off the patio onto the sidewalk and scraped up her face to my horror. As I was comforting her Emma tumbled off on to the rocks. Didn't get hurt like her sister, but still pretty mortifying! So I mumbled something about making dinner and rushed in with them, of course leaving Nora all alone in the yard (but only for a second!) Here's the aftermath, I feel so bad!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Our girls are actually a year old, I can't believe it! Glammie and Mo came in for the big day, and unfortunately brought a nasty cold along for the ride. It's weird, every single time family has come to visit they have brought and shared some sort of sickness. We may have to start requiring masks decontamination suits. Regardless we did some birthday shopping and lunch out with Glam and Mo. Nora and Addie got handfuls of spaghetti to play with which was lots of fun.

Birthday day most of us were starting to get a little worn down and spent most of it laying low. We opened presents and put on our birthday outfits and got ready for dinner. Most of the presents were a hit except the mooing cow that makes bubbles, it turns out that one was terrifying. And we forgot Nora has an intense fear of balloons and had to hide them all. We had dinner at Trappers Steak House, forgetting that a table full of "cook your own steak lava rocks" was probably not the best idea. But Addie enjoyed her cucumber and bread, Nora loved the chipotle sweet potatoes, and Emma gorged herself on lobster and lamb with mint sauce. They started getting fussy at this point and all woke up pretty sick the next day, but birthday night was lots of fun!

Mmm, lamb with mint sauce rocks!


Checking out the Birthday loot

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mother's Day Picnic

Mother's Day!

Chris planned a really nice family day for my first official Mother's Day, but as always the best laid plans...  He ordered sushi and got a really good bottle of sake and packed up a picnic in the park.  Unfortunately also took allergy meds and drank coffee on an empty stomach and got really sick, literally, in front of our van at the park.  So we quickly retreated back home before anyone saw what he had done and he took a nap to sleep it off.  We then attempted it again, with much better success although it was really windy at this point.  And we had to go to another park where we wouldn't be recognized. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sisters playing

Emma torments Addie

Girls are sleepy, Emma becomes delirious and Addie gets grumpy!

Going out for pizza at Sazza

The Ham Band

Chris tries to start the Triplet Ham Band with homemade instruments

Emma Dance

Emma does a little dance and then snacks on her leapfrog table

Triplets in "jail"

The girls got themselves caught in the kitchen today when they refused to come to the living room

Year One

As the first birthday quickly approaches (and I'm still not at all ready!) I can't believe it's already been a year since I suddenly went into labor when Nora decided it was time to pull herself out.  I decided to document some of our memories in the week leading up to the first birthday while they are still somewhat fresh in our minds.  I had gone to my weekly Peri appointment just shy of 32 weeks on 5/12 and the doctor said that things were looking pretty good and he thought I might get to 36 weeks.  I was miserable and had been feeling worse that week and almost started crying at the thought of four more weeks.  I asked him to check and make sure things hadn't changed and when he did my cervix had shortened from a 4 to a 2.  So instead of four more weeks he decided to go ahead and have me head to the hospital to be monitored and see what was going on.  Chris asked if we had time to stop at home and to stop for lunch, he said yes but not to dilly dally!  We quickly headed home to pack a bag and stopped at McDonalds for one last Big Mac.  We took a pic just in case this was my last time home before heading out.

Turned out it would be my last day at home before the birth, which would happen much quicker than we had anticipated!  We checked into St. Joe's antenatal unit where the nurses were unimpressed and questioned why I was there if I was only 32 weeks.  "Ummm, because I'm 5 ft tall and having triplets"... They hooked me up to the monitors for a while but because I had been having benign contractions since 20 weeks they didn't think much of anything they saw.  However my doc asked me to go ahead and stay at least for a few days to be monitored.  As you can see I as thrilled, but I agreed.

So I spent the night and got Chris to stay on the couch in my room.  The next morning he informed me this would not be a regular occurrence as he limped around the room. 

Chris headed off to work and I settled in for a day of surfing the net and watching court shows, my usual routine since being put on modified bed rest at 20 weeks.  I complained several time to the nurses about the mattress asking if they had a better one because this one was KILLING my back.  I also informed them I felt really "gassy" and asked if there was anything I could take.  They pretty much blew me off saying they were looking for extra mattresses or pillows (which they never found) until about 6 PM when one of them informed me the stress test for one of the babies was a little off yesterday and the doctor wanted to have it repeated.  Chris had just arrived and was looking through a book of menus for something to order for dinner.  She hooked me up to the monitors and a few minutes later said "are you feeling that?"  I said yes, that's part of the pain I've been telling you about.  She waited another minute and informed me that I was having contractions every 2 to 3 minutes.  We observed them for about 15 minutes and they were increasing in frequency and intensity each time.  Chris was oblivious and yelling out "how about Mexican?  Indian?  Thai?"  The nurse said she needed to check on something and left the room.  I tried to let Chris know something was going on, but he was pretty engrossed with finding something to eat.  An resident on call came in, checked me, and informed me she was "shaking hands with Nora" and that these babies were coming tonight!  This finally caught Chris' attention, and I immediately started bawling.  I had wanted them out so badly because I was so miserable, but now I felt so guilty that they were coming so early. 

We were taken down to the maternity ward where I made them turn down the volume on American Idol because it was the finale and I was DVRing it.  (Yes even in labor I had my priorities).  Labor began progressing quickly and I was in immense pain waiting for blood to be delivered because I was so highly anemic.  After about an hour we headed in to the operating room where an army of doctors, nurses, and others were waiting.  After several failed attempts to get the epidural in we were finally on our way.  The girls were each born one minute apart and Chris video taped and went from one to the other checking on them.  Once they were born and all seemed well all I wanted was water.  I just remember laying in recovery begging for water and counting down the minutes till I could have it.